Five Things Publicists Should Tell Their Clients



1. It\’s Not Happening Overnight

The reason your story isn\’t happening immediately is complex. One thing I\’m asked all the time is “Are you connected?”. Yes, I am. I have many contacts and connections but I don\’t know anyone who will print a crappy story just because I know them. I\’d rather bank on my storytelling skills than my feminine charms. Also, sometimes journalists are busy and will miss something that is fabulous. You just have to wait it out.


2. They\’re Just Not That Into You

Sometimes the media you crave may not be into you no matter how much you court them. Truth is, you\’re just not the right fit. It\’s that simple. You may have a glorious vision of making the cover of Vanity Fair but chances are, you never will. A good publicist will always be upfront about this and seek out the platforms that will work best for you. Meet them halfway and be realistic. Don\’t shoot the messenger – trust your publicist knows what they are doing.


3. Sucking Up Won\’t Seal the Deal

We all love to be flattered but sucking up to a publication, blogger or journalist won\’t get you very far. And you know what, it\’s also kind of embarrassing. What will get you coverage is a good story accompanied by compelling words, stunning visuals, photos, video footage and other media. I\’m not saying there isn\’t a time and a place for a hand-delivered basket of muffins but again, it\’s about the fit and the story, not how much you love the publication.


4. It\’s Not a Sprint, It\’s a Marathon

PR is a waiting game. Good relationships in media take time to develop. Many publications plan their content well in advance and other more contemporaneous stories are guaranteed to push you down the list, especially if you are pitching to news outlets. Yes, you want your coverage now but you must remember you and your publicist are in this for the long game. Focus on what you can do your end; gather more Facebook followers, tweet more often, use Instagram and Pinterest regularly. But please, don\’t nag your publicist. I report to my clients at the end of every month and over time, all my clients can see that the effort I\’m putting in always pays off.


5. Everthing Counts

As your profile grows, so will the interest in what you are selling or promoting. Nothing you do is a waste of time. There are always new angles to hang a story on, new storylines to tell and new information to share. Don\’t just leave it up to your publicist – use your imagination and creativity too. Your publicist is out there deciding who is worth pitching to and what story they should be told. Everything you can do to back that up will be worth while. If you commit to your publicity campaign, you will start to see real results.

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