PR and SEO “Friends With Benefits”



If SEO and PR went speed dating, they\’d be sure to hook up. The attraction is mutual – and the modern day marketing equivalent of love at first sight.

Effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can enhance a website, blog or news story, attracting the attention of clients, bloggers and journalists. The more effective your SEO, the more links you will generate, and the higher you will rank in a Google search.

A high Google ranking is key to success in today\’s online world. A harmonious synergy between PR and SEO will expand your customer base, strengthen your brand and open up additional income streams.

As a business owner looking to create smart PR and marketing you must:

* Spend time planning and creating great content that can be shared.

* Media train your staff to mention a link into any broadcast interview, or ask a print journalist to link to the source (which should be hosted on your website as standard).

* And think about how any marketing campaign will work as on-site content. Why would a journalist or blogger want to link to your content? Would anyone share it online?

Putting SEO and PR into bed with each other
means you win big; who doesn\’t want to see “As featured in…” on their website? This is the kind of brand recognition that will build essential consumer trust in your brand.

In today\’s busy online marketplace, this is the best \’friends with benefits” relationship you could have.

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