In Praise of High Standards in Journalism and PR




At Black Ink PR we work with clarity, conviction, courage and we always value high standards.

Working with integrity is at the foundation of what we do.

I absolutely love my profession, and one of my greatest joys is working with dedicated journalists and supporting them and their work. The relationships we have built over more than 20 years are the bedrock of my business.

Now, more than ever, we need good journalists, good research and conscientious fact-checking.

I want to show gratitude to the many journalists who are working hard to get the truth out there.

The media is under attack but in the face of adversity, I want to praise the professionals who are at the frontline of reporting, fact-checking and news-gathering.

I want to praise those who are working overtime, double-time and triple-time to get the real story out there.

And I want to praise anyone going the extra mile for the truth.


At Black Ink PR we make it our priority to work to the highest standards, and so we\’re proud to be a member of the Public Relations Association of America (PRSA).

This week, after much historic political upheaval, the PRSA sent an email explaining and underlining how committed they are to their Code of Ethics.

They advocate honesty, truth, accuracy, the responsible use of information, proper business conduct, independent counsel and confidentiality, loyalty, fairness, facts and the flow of free information.

And so do we.

We are committed to following their code, which you can read in full by clicking here. And also to telling the truth.


At Black Ink PR we don\’t believe in \’alternative facts\’. They are not part of our playbook and never will be.

On behalf of our clients we praise influence, information and hyperbole but not alternative facts, post-truth or lies.

So how can we show our support for good relationships and truth-telling?

Simple, step up right now and pay for subscription to trusted news outlets.

If you haven\’t considered doing this before, now is the time to buy good reporting.

Subscribe to the New York Times, the LA Times, the Washington Post, or any outlet who are doing great work to get the facts to you. Wherever journalistic standards are high, we want to be.

Show some gratitude and subscribe.

And thank you to all the hard-working media professionals out there, our industry will continue to thrive because of you and the world will be a better place.

Our Constitution may date back to 1787 but high standards, facts and integrity never get old.


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