How Visibility Breeds Familiarity


Essential in today\’s marketplace is that your consumer must know, like and trust you.
Social media marketing, publicity and content marketing can all be great assets to you and your business. The more you see something, the more familiar you feel with it. People can be prompted into buying things they might not initially want and then be swayed to the fact that they really need them mostly because they keep seeing it.
Social media can help you be omnipresent across all channels and all platforms, plus combined with email marketing you can also be visible in people\’s inbox. Your audience may not always engage with you, they may not even acknowledge that they\’ve seen you, but rest assured that your presence breeds a cozy familiarity.
If this is alien thinking to you then flip it because the other side of this equation is invisibility. And one thing I can tell you about invisibility is that you pretty much get nothing from it.

So, are you willing to be visible… or not visible?

 Email newsletters – like this one – are the perfect visibility tool because you own the information within it, and you control who gets it. If you\’re reading this mailer, please note that you have my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation. I hope we\’ve been in a relationship for a while, I hope you\’ve learned something and that I\’ve been able to serve you.
I send them out regularly and there\’s a reason for that – repetition and consistency are super sexy in business today. Consistency is essential and the repetition ups the crucial know, like and trust factor.
So be brave. Don\’t think to yourself, I did it once and it didn\’t work. Better to think… I always do it, I am consistent with it and it will attract the people who are right for me and my business.
There is, however, a downside of being visible. You have to deal with people asking for your time, for discounts and for things you don\’t want to give them but to that I say this:

At least your funnel will be filled.

Visibility gives you options while invisibility gives you no choice at all. One comes with responsibility and one comes with nothing. You have a choice but at the same time you really don\’t. Visibility holds the key to the kingdom. So, which one are you choosing?
We\’re here to help you be visible with consistency and kindness so that the right people can find you. Call us. The choice is yours.
If you\’ve read to the bottom of this note I am truly grateful. Write me back \’HOOK ME UP\’ in the subject line I\’ll send you an advanced copy of my Black Ink PR & Marketing e-book, How To Make The Media Love You as a heartfelt thank you.

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