How\’s Your Show and Tell?


You wanna be a big fish? Then show a big fish.

Show and tell isn\’t just for my six-year-old and his curious classmates – it\’s for everyone who has a story to tell.

During a recent press tour of the food and wine hotspots of the Central Coast of California, I took a bunch of journalists to Morro Bay, to meet Mark Tognazzini; he\’s a commercial fisherman who also owns the fabulous Dockyard Restaurant, famous for having the freshest fish in town.

But it wasn\’t enough to tell the media he had the freshest fish in town – we had to show them.

Mark has been in the business for 44 years, so he knows how to get people excited – and as you can see from the photo, the media were entranced.

After entertaining us with his culinary skills, fishy tales and impressive knowledge of the local waters, he served up delicious bowls of clam chowder.

This was show and tell to the max.

But job done because every journalist wrote enthusiastically about Tognazzini\’s Dockyard Restaurant – and I know that his \’show and tell\’ masterclass was the reason for their generous praise.

And that\’s why the number one thing I do when I meet a prospective new client is review their assets.

Show me what you have, then we\’ll show the media.

People trip up all the time by not taking care of their assets such as their photographs, or behind-the-scene videos.

Because it\’s not good enough for me to tell you that I got my client, Premier Tours, to the NUMBER ONE spot on Google – here, I can
show you.


Seeing really is believing. And once you believe – you buy.

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