Spread the Love


Hearts, flowers and chocolate are everywhere as the theme of love is promoted during Valentine\’s Day. Spreading the love can be fun with all the cute, romantic and even quirky gifts you can buy for the ones you love. But how about your customers? Are you spreading the love to them? While you may not be able to send each one a Valentine\’s card via snail mail it doesn\’t mean they have to miss out. And everyone responds to a little extra love and attention. Here are a few simple ideas to put you in the mood….

Valentine\’s Day Cards

Why not send a personalized virtual Valentine to your customers, employees or others you associate with? Let them know how much you appreciate their business and encourage them to spread the love to others. Simple or fancy – make it eye-catching. Good, creative, visual content will win in this category. And remember the personal touch – no one wants to receive a Valentine that reads “Dear (NAME) – I love you.” Everyone likes to get mail specific to them and it\’s a fun way to say thank you.

Special Just for You

Why not offer something special? Maybe a discount or a freebie they can download on Valentine\’s Day. Just for that one day. Theme appropriate essential.  Red hot pants on sale today? The ultimate romantic bucket list trip on super special?  Add a heart or two and send it off. Just make sure it really is a good deal (we find that a 20% discount is often the optimum number that motivates people to think of it as a “deal”).  Truly spread some love on this unique holiday.

Take A Valentine\’s Day Poll

Ask your customers what they would love to see. Ask them specifically how you can spread some love their way. Would they like a new product release? A feature to help up product performance? Better customer service? A sale? An upgrade? Ask for feedback on how you are doing and offer a small gift or discount code for participation whenever possible. 

Love Makes The World Go Round

Whatever you decide to do isn\’t so much as important as is doing something. Take advantage of Valentine\’s Day and invest some love in yourself, your business and your customers. Here at Black Ink PR we can help you spread love and all other kinds of PR to help you get the word out and get the attention you deserve. We will help you with your unique PR campaign designed specifically with you and for you and with your business and customers in mind. Call us today and let’s spread the love – we’re here to help you shine your brightest and we’ve got the Barry White music cued up and waiting for you. 

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